Abstract submission is now open
We would now like to offer an opportunity to submit papers for this conference in the general field of functional films and coatings. Areas to be considered include novel routes to their manufacture, the properties that such products exhibit, whether in the area of thin films or coatings based on multicomponent formulations. Other topics could include the analysis of such material. The application areas can be anything from pharmaceutical, cosmetics, agrochemicals, veterinary, to smart materials such as inks and adhesives.
Authors of successful abstracts will be offered the opportunity to present an oral paper on the topic. There will also be ample opportunities to present work in the form of posters which will be promoted in the form of a flash poster presentation early in the day.
Abstracts should consist of a one- paragraph summary (ca 150 – 200 words) and the contact details of the authors and a contact address.
Abstract Template - abstract template.doc.
Once complete this should be sent as a word document to the conference secretariat Constable & Smith Events by E Mail at